Yn 2024 roedd UCAN yn falch iawn o dderbyn grant o Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol am brosiect cyffrous - Ddoe a Heddiw (Then and Now): Archwilio Bywydau pobl Ddall yng Nghymru.

Roedd hwn yn brosiect oedd yn edrych ar wahanol genedlaethau ac yn archwilio hanes bobl ddal a phobl a nam ar eu golwg, yn ogystal a’r sefydliadau sydd wedi chwarae rhan hollbwysig o wella bywydau pobl Ddall yng Nghymru o’r 1800au cynnar hyd at heddiw.

Y bwriad oedd i greu casgliad o straeon, dramâu, trafodaethau a chyfweliadau wed'i recordio er mwyn dogfennu hanes llafar a straeon hanesyddol pobl.

Rydyn ni'n eu cyflwyno i chi trwy gyfres o 7 podlediad. Mae pob pennod ar gael isod, a gallwch eu chwarae o'r dudalen yma.

Gallwch hefyd glicio yma i fynd at wefan Podbean. Mae'r pennodau ar gael o fewn adran ein prosiect “Podsquad”.

Neu gallwch wrando ar y pennodau ar Spotify os ydych chi'n chwilio am “UCAN Podsquad”.

Rydyn ni'n ddiolchgar iawn i Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol, ac i chwaraewyr y Loteri Genedlaethol, am alluogi i'r prosiect yma fodoli.

Os hoffech fwy o wybodaeth am y prosiect ebostiwch info@ucanproductions.org

Gobeithio wnewch chi fwynhau!

In 2024, UCAN were thrilled to receive a grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund for an exciting project - Then and Now: Exploring the Lives of Blind People in Wales.

This was an inter-generational project exploring the history of blind and partially sighted people, as well as the people and organisations who have been instrumental in improving the lives of blind people in Wales from the early 1800's to the present day. 

The aim was to build a collection of recorded stories, plays, discussions and interviews documenting people's oral history and historical stories.

We present these to you here in a series of 7 podcasts. Each episode is present below, and can be played straight from this page.

Alternatively, you can click here to go to the Podbean website, where they episodes are hosted under our ‘Podsquad’ project.

Or, you can search on Spotify for “UCAN Podsquad” and listen to the episodes there.

We do hope you enjoy!


We are very grateful to The National Lottery Heritage Fund, and to players of the National Lottery, for making this project possible.